Monday, July 11, 2011

Earthquake in Japan. Tsunami alert

2011/07   -  7,1 magnitude earthquake in Japan. Tsunami alert.

A powerful 7,1 magnitude earthquake hit the north-east coast of Japan and it was followed by a tsunami, that was a slow one of ten centimeters height, in the Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefecture, just the place that was devastated four months ago, when the same scenario repeated, but it was one of the terrifying and powerful from the country’s history.

After the tsunami alert was given, the Fukushima plant’s authorities evacuated all the personnel inside and advised the villagers to migrate to some higher areas, where they aren’t in danger from the nature’s outbreaks.
The company Tokyo Electric Power that administrates the Fukushima Plant said that the plant didn’t suffer any damage and after the tsunami alert was raised, they were doing checks, but they assured the people that the cooling process, the one that was damaged in the April earthquake, is at its normal level.
Although the panic was installed one again, due the fort month’s events, the alert tsunami was raised at a short period. The Japan authorities said that there were no damages reported, at least at a short while since the incident started.
After this new event, the American Institute of Geology announced that indeed this earthquake was ten centimeters height, but it had the epicenter in the same place that the April 11 one had it.
More, it seems that after the April earthquake the seismic activity from the area was cooling down and the experts said that the frequency of the over 4 magnitude earthquakes from the area was one on every day. After this 7,1 magnitude earthquake though, the probability raised at one earthquake in every hour. Japan is one of the countries that has a regulated seismic activity due its problematic position. A
nd this is how, after the April devastating earthquake, tens of the followed, in the Japan’s normal’s seismic activity.

In April 11, one of the most devastating earthquake happened in the same place in Japan. It had 9.0 magnitude and it was followed by a tsunami that had a 25 kilometers depth and. The 9 magnitude earthquake had over 300 responses with over six magnitude power.
The Fukushima power plant had problems at the cooling system and a lot of radioactive material was elapsed and contaminated the atmosphere, the water and the ground also. It was the nuclear accident that had the biggest repercussions and it was also bigger than the Chernobyl one, from Ukraine.

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